Friday, July 23, 2010

So Im currently carving a set of stamps to be used for our churches Vacation Bible School next week, they are going to make comfort pillows and use the stamps to put the bible verse on. After that we are going to turn them into a indoor letter box with certain stipulations lol.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So we are all missing being out boxing... I think our last boxing adventure was the Tomato Fest gathering in early June.. It was just me and half the crew however but we most certainly had a blast! However, since then everyone has been sick and its just to stinkin' HOT!

We are all feeling the effects of being cooped up, just as any other family in Texas does does... Hard to explain to kids that even tho the thermometer says its only 92 because of the humidity there is a wonderful thing called heat index that is hovering around 113 and yes as much as I would love to send you outside where you can run and play and get rid of some of that built in energy, I really dont want to have to take you to the ER because of a heat stroke or worse.

So here we all sit waiting not so patiently for the cooler temps of fall and the wonderful adventures we can once again share.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Looking back on Spring Break...

Well spring break is gone and we are back into a regular week... Happy Tuesday, I already am looking back on last week and wishing we could do it all over again. We managed to get in 2 good days of letterboxing. The first day we managed to plant 4 boxes and 2 release 2 hitch hikers within them. We are all eagerly awaiting someone to start finding them and the 2 that we planted a couple of weeks ago as well. In total we have planted 6 new boxes here in town and 1 in Tyler, that one has been found several times now tho. We also managed to find a box that day as well, I so wanted to do more but I was so tired and starting to hurt so we came on home... It took a lot longer to plant those boxes than I thought it would.

We went back out again a couple of days later with the intentions of finding the remainder of the boxes in town that arent located in Dogwood trails or the Railroad park. We managed to find them all but one, including a new one! They were all great finds, but one certainly had us hopping. We finally gave up trying to follow the clues and we all split up into groups of 2 and started checking every tree with a hole that we could find till we found the right I decided then that we definitely need a

Id really like to go out again this weekend and try and plant a few more boxes, it seems that most of the boxes around here have been found by everyone already since they have been here 2 or 3 years. We are hoping that if we plant them then more boxers would come and plant more boxes. My friend Beautiful Butterflies (her trail name) put it best when she said"Its like the movie Field of Dreams, If you plant them they will come!" lol